‘Health as if everybody counted’ – a great online resource

The Population Health Network at the University of Ottawa has created a “network of networks” linking researchers, decision-makers and practitioners across the country. They host weekly “fireside chats” to share research findings and the application of those findings (http://chnet-works.ca/). On this website is a blog (Health as if Everybody Counted) by Ted Schrecker, a scientist and Associate Professor in the University of Ottawa’s Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine, and a principal scientist at the University’s Institute of Population Health.

A recent blog is entitled “Our big fat complicated population health problem, Part 2: It may be worse than we thought”. This and his previous blogs will be of interest to public health practitioners, and other visitors to our Health Voices website. By following the link to the blog, you can read a variety of entries that may also be of interest (e.g., A new frontier for action on health equity, related to transportation policy).  I really enjoy Ted’s blogs and recommend them to you.

Marjorie MacDonald is the President of Public Health Association of BC