Health Voices Category: Poverty and Health

#ReThink Housing: Making the connection between affordable housing and health in BC

This month the Poverty Reduction Coalition (PRC) of BC launched a #ReThink Poverty Campaign, which runs from March through September of 2016.  Over the course of the coming months, the…

The Politics of Health

by Diana Daghofer Barack Obama, Pope Francis, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and organizations like Oxfam and the World Health Organization are all saying it: Inequality is the greatest concern…

Local Actions for Reducing Health Inequalities

By Jalil Safaei  The Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) discourse is getting more practical for improving the health of populations and reducing health inequalities. Following the WHO Commission on SDOH…

The Power of Myths

By John Millar For those of us involved in advocacy and lobbying to reduce health and socioeconomic inequities, it is not unusual to be met with a couple of common…

Why Austerity Kills

By Dr. John Millar In a recent book ‘The Body Economic – Why Austerity Kills. Recessions, budget battles, and the politics  of life and death’, David Stuckler and Sanjay Basu…

Welfare Food Challenge Days 3 and 4

By Marjorie MacDonald I did not get the opportunity to blog this weekend because I have been sick. The only good thing about that was that I wasn’t hungry, which…