The BC Health Literacy Networks




Introduction to BC Health Literacy Networks


Health literacy is “the ability to access, understand, evaluate, and communicate information as a way to promote, maintain, and improve health in a variety of settings across the life course” (Rootman & Gordon-El-Bihbety, 2008).


The BC Health Literacy Networks includes organizations and individuals in British Columbia interested in or working in the area of health literacy.  The Networks evolved out of the former British Columbia Health Literacy Network, which was established in 2011 following two Roundtables on health literacy organized by a multi-sectoral planning committee of people and organizations interested in the issue. The BC Health Literacy Networks is chaired by Dr. Irv Rootman.


If you are interested in or working in the field of Health Literacy in BC and would like to join the BC Health Literacy Networks, please include your information in the directory.



If interested in learning more about the history of the BC Health Literacy Networks, please see the following: