Expanding Farm to School in BC Grant 2017
Farm to School BC (F2SBC) is a school-based initiative that connects K – 12 public, First Nations, and independent schools, communities and local farms, with a goal to ensure that children have access to fresh, local and sustainable foods while at school. Farm to School BC has three core elements: 1) healthy local foods; 2) hands-on learning and; 3) school-community connectedness. The program is supported by the Province of British Columbia and the Provincial Health Services Authority and administered by the Public Health Association of BC (PHABC). Farm to School (F2S) activities may differ by school, but are always directed towards a common goal- more healthy local foods on the plates, minds and bellies of all students.
Does your school want to (but not limited to):
- Purchase new refrigeration system for cooking or preservation?
- Start a salad bar?
- Buy equipment to support sustainable school-based agriculture practices involving school gardens, micro green system, or other forms of cultivating food?
- Take students out on field trips to your local farmer’s market, farms and other agriculture-based settings to educate students about our local food environment?
- Plant native plants, build medicine wheels, harvest traditional foods, and connect with elders and knowledge keepers?
Apply for our grant!
F2SBC 2017 Expansion Grant Application Form
Eligibility criteria
- Must be a K- 12 public, first Nations or independent school located in BC (If you are from a school in Vancouver School Board, please apply for Think&EatGreen@School Small Grant Application 2017-18)
- Demonstrate willingness to partner and collaborate with the local organizations, and community members to strengthen the F2S Team (see question 8).
- Commitment to a working team of at least 3 people to build and expand the Farm to School program at your respective school.
Exclusion criteria
- If you are currently holding another active Farm to School grant, you are not eligible to receive this grant (i.e., Farm to School Grant 2016, Farm to Cafeteria’s Salad Bar Grant).
To apply
Complete the application form and email it to prov.manager@farmtoschoolbc.ca.
Applications must be received no later than Friday, December 1, 2017 at 11:59pm PST. Schools will be notified about the status of their application by Wednesday, December 20, 2017. Please direct any questions you have to prov.manager@farmtoschoolbc.ca.
For more information about our program, please visit our website at: www.farmtoschoolbc.ca. To read short stories from previous recipients of Farm to School grants, please go to: www.farmtoschoolbc.ca/category/start-up-grant-series/.