Online Survey – On The Map: Arts & Health in BC

Do you lead an arts & health initiative in BC? If so, Arts Health BC wants to hear from you! On The Map: Arts & Health in BC is an online survey to locate arts & health activity in the province.  The results will be used to:

  • bring awareness to the value of arts & health
  • facilitate networking & resource sharing within the arts & health sector
  • create more opportunities for British Columbians to engage with art for the health of it!

Participate in the On the Map survey to ensure that your arts & health initiative is included in the first ever directory of arts & health activity in BC!  The survey will be open September 22nd – December 19th 2014.To learn more and complete the survey, please visit

On the Map: Arts & Health in BC is a project of Arts Health BC, a provincial not-for-profit promoting engagement with the arts for health, healing & wellbeing.