New resources to promote Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines

On behalf of the National Alcohol Strategy Advisory Committee (NASAC) and the LRDG Knowledge Exchange Working Group, CCSA is pleased to announce the posting of several new resources to assist you in promoting Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines, which were launched on November 25, 2011.

Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines
This brochure provides the guidelines previously launched. The fifth guideline (“delay your drinking”) has been revised to provide greater clarity to our recommendations related to youth and young adults. Should you wish to reproduce and disseminate the guidelines, this is the version to use.

Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines (adaptable version)
Use this version of the brochure if you wish to include your organization’s logo or local contact information on the document.

Permission to Reproduce, Adapt, Translate or Use Images
To assist us in our ongoing evaluation of our knowledge exchange efforts, please complete this form for permission to use resources related to the guidelines.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
This resource was developed to assist you in promoting and explaining Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines to clients, colleagues and networks. Although helpful to Canadians, these FAQs are not specifically targeted at the general public. As we receive additional questions, we will add them and the corresponding responses to this document.

Guidelines for Healthcare Providers
This set of guidelines was developed specifically for primary healthcare providers (such as family physicians and nurse practitioners), based on feedback from these professionals.

Communicating Alcohol-Related Health Risks
Healthcare providers are encouraged to use this resource to help tailor the population-level guidelines to patients with specific health conditions or risks.

Please contact at if you:

  • have questions that you would like to see addressed in the FAQs
  • would like us and others to know about your activities to promote the guidelines
  • have ideas for additional resources that could help you to promote the guidelines
  • have suggestions for improvement on existing resources

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