BC Chapter of the Coalition for Healthy School Food


BC Chapter of

The Coalition for Healthy School Food



Donate to the BC Chapter of the Coalition for Healthy School Food Today!




The BC chapter of the Coalition for Healthy School Food (BC-CHSF) is a provincial chapter of the national Coalition for Healthy School Food, a network of over 110 member organizations seeking federal investment in a Universal Healthy School Food Program to support the health, well-being and education of all Canadian children.


In BC, 75% of school districts report having a school meal program in at least one school. These programs are run at a classroom, school or school district scale and largely rely on parents and other members of the school community to develop and fund. This patchwork of programming does not meet the needs of all students. We need the development of national standards, as well as significant investment from federal, provincial and municipal governments and collaboration between stakeholder groups to create a universal program for all children and youth.


The BC-CHSF is bringing together stakeholders from diverse regions and sectors across BC to engage in dialogue, share resources, and collaborate on collective advocacy, research and pilot projects. Together, we can help secure a brighter future for our children through a universal healthy school food program.




For more information please contact:

Samantha Gambling, Project Coordinator
BC Chapter of the Coalition for Healthy School Food (BC-CHSF)
Public Health Association of BC
Cel: 604-652-3793


For the National Coalition for Healthy School Food go here: