PHABC Summer School 2016: Online Survey

Participant Information


11) Please rate the logistics of the Summer School for each of the components below (1 being poor, 5 being excellent) :

Summer School Content

13) Did the Conference meet its goal, outcome and learning objectives? (please indicate for each goal/outcome/ objective: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly Agree):

c) Objectives:

16) Please rate the following aspects of the Summer School based on your level of interest and engagement with the content. (1-not engaged, 5-very engaged):

Into the Future

PHABC is considering offering a mentorship program to connect early career professionals with experienced public health professionals over a 6-month program in which a Mentor and Mentee will work together to grow and develop the Mentee’s skills, knowledge and awareness of the professional public health world.