Prevention of Violence, Abuse & Neglect – VCH November 30, 2010
Introduction – Jennifer Scarr
Vancouver Coastal Health was pleased to collaborate with PHABC in hosting a very interesting, informative and jam-packed session.
Shannon Turner
Shannon Turner is the immediate Past President of the Public Health Association of BC. She holds a BA in History, a BSc in Health Informatics, and a MSc in Public Health. Shannon has served three terms on the Board of the Canadian Public Health Association. She also served four years as National Co-Chair of Prevention of Violence Canada. Shannon is a former Director of Public Health for the Vancouver Island Health Authority. She is currently pursuing a Phd in Violence Prevention as a Core Program in Public Health. Shannon has been named to the Delta Omega Society for outstanding contribution to public health. She was awarded the James M. Robinson Award (UBC Public Health) for her significant contributions to public health. She was given the President’s Award by the BC Public Health Association. She is a recipient of a Fellowship for the Core Programs in Public Health Research Initiatives.
Charlotte Nelson
Charlotte has been the Safe Babies Coordinator for 2.5 years working with infants less than 1 year in foster care. She has worked as a Public Health Nurse in the Vancouver Coastal area for 22 years.
Jill Cory
Jill Cory has twenty-eight years of experience in the field of stopping violence against women, working in front-line, policy, training and research arenas. For the past 14 years, she has managed the Provincial Woman Abuse Response Program at BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre, developing policy, conducting research, establishing province wide networks and providing curricula and training to support health regions to implement strategies and programs to reduce the health impacts of violence against women. She is the co-author of several publications, including the “SHE Framework: Safety and Health Enhancement for Women Experiencing Abuse. A Toolkit for Health Care Providers and Planners”, “Reasonable Doubt: The Use of Health Records in Criminal and Civil Cases of Violence Against Women in Relationships (2004)” and “When Love Hurts, a woman’s guide to understanding abuse in relationships” (2006, 6th printing)
Ann Dauphinee
Ann is the Health Promotion Program Leader for Public Health in Richmond. She is responsible for Tobacco Reduction strategies, Seniors Falls Prevention, Injury Prevention, and Health Promotion practice, strategies and evaluation. Ann is currently a co-investigator on two projects focusing on Violence prevention: Nurse & Workplace Violence and Optimizing Assessment for Intimate Partner Violence in the Perinatal Period. Ann is also an active participant in the Richmond Family Violence Prevention Network.
Richmond Family Violence Prevention
Amanda Brown
Amanda is the Director of Vancouver Coastal Health’s Re:act Response Resource. She provides education, consultation and systemic support for Vancouver Coastal Health employees who have a mandate to respond to situations of adult abuse, neglect and self-neglect. She is the regional lead on issues related to the Adult Guardianship Act and her work includes partnering with community agencies that are also working to support vulnerable adults experiencing abuse and neglect. She became a Director of the BC Association of Community Response Networks in 2005 and she sits on many provincial committees and networks working to prevent abuse of vulnerable adults. Amanda has a particular interest in integrating less formal supports into community responses so that all resources are used most effectively and adults benefit from a collaborative approach to care.