Conference 2024 – Abstract Submission Form All fields are required. Primary Presenter: Prefix: First & Last Name: Organization: Position/Title: Email: Additional Presenters Presenter Two Prefix: First & Last Name: Organization: Position/Title: Email: Presenter Three Prefix: First & Last Name: Organization: Position/Title: Email: Other Authors: Presentation Format Please select your preferred presentation format: —Please choose an option—Oral PresentationWorkshopPoster presentation Due to the number of abstract submissions, it may not be possible to accommodate everyone's preferred presentation format. Please list your second choice, in case an alternative format is necessary: —Please choose an option—Oral PresentationWorkshopPoster presentation Information about your abstract: Abstract Topic*: Field of Research/Practice (education, public health, Indigenous, etc)*: Presentation Title* Conference Theme: We encourage individuals/ groups to submit abstracts that fit under the four themes of the conference. The selection committee will also consider relevant abstracts that fall outside these topics. Please select one or more from the options below: Taking Action on Industries That Affect Health: Marketing, Risks, and Essential GoodsBuilding Public Sector Strength: Considering regulatory and functional opportunitiesImproving Business Practices: Creating Policies for Healthier MarketsRethinking Economic Development: Sustainable Approaches and Cultural PerspectivesOther (please list): Other Theme: Abstract Description (max 1500 characters): 0 Additional Information If you have any other information related to your abstract that may help the committee review your submission, please upload it below. Accepted File Types: PDF, JPG, DOC, DOCX, TXT, XLS, RTF, RTFD. Max file size: 5MB