Vital COVID-19 Information

Below  is a letter from Stephen Brown, Deputy Minister of Health, to BC Public Service employees re: COVID-19 (novel coronavirus).


Please follow the links in the letter as well as the ones we have included after the letter for the latest information on the virus. Hopefully this will  answer many questions you may have about the virus and help to keep you safe.


As employees in the BC Public Service, we may have questions about COVID-19 (novel coronavirus). The BC Government is monitoring the ongoing situation and have developed a plan that will be appropriately stepped up as the risk level evolves.

The BC Public Service follows the lead of the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, the Public Health Agency of Canada and any travel advisories issued by the Government of Canada. I encourage each of us to consult the information provided by these agencies for the most current public health information as the situation continues to evolve.

Dr. Bonnie Henry, public health officer for the province, has recently asked all British Columbians to “do their part to prevent the transmission of infections in our communities and in our health-care system.”

We are asked to continue maintaining good hygiene, including regular hand-washing, avoiding touching your face, coughing or sneezing into your elbow or sleeve and disposing of tissues appropriately, as the best way to avoid contracting or spreading respiratory illnesses. If you are sick, you should stay home using Short Term Illness and Injury Plan (STIIP). If you are experiencing symptoms of a cold, but feel you are still able to work, please have a conversation with your supervisor to consider if and how you may work remotely.


Stephen Brown

Deputy Minister