Summer School 2018: Final Agenda & Think Piece released, don’t forget to register today!

The Public Health Association of British Columbia’s
Summer School 2018

PHABC - Public Health Association of BC

The Public Health Approach

Building Safe & Inclusive Communities


Join us for our 9th annual summer school, happening July 5th & 6th, 2018

Registration is now open at:



We hope everyone is gearing up for a fantastic long weekend! Our office will be closed Monday, but before we go we wanted to share with you the final agenda for our upcoming summer school, The Public Health Approach: Building safe & inclusive communities, and a two page think piece designed to do exactly what you would expect, get you thinking about how you can create safe and inclusive communities here in BC and across the country.


The summer school will be happening at four university locations across BC from July 5th and 6th, 2018. Locations for the summer school include the University of VictoriaUniversity of British ColumbiaUniversity of Northern British Columbia and the University of British Columbia: Okanagan. This year we are excited to partner with Saskatchewan Public Health Association and provide students living in Saskatchewan the opportunity to attend the summer school. A videoconferencing connection will allow all sites to actively participate in the full summer school experience while fostering interprovincial networking opportunities.


Registration is on now and will be open until the morning of the first day. Don’t miss your chance to learn how you can help to create safe and inclusive communities while networking with like-minded individuals across the province and beyond! For those who have already registered we will be releasing the registrant’s package today. It will provide you will all the information needed to attend the summer school, keep checking your inbox!


The final agenda is designed to introduce students to each subtopic then let students apply theory to practice I the form of hands on workshops and group discussions. Our speakers will include Ann Pederson, director of population health promotion at BC Women’s Hospital & Health Centre, Richard Harvey, regional director of BC, Alberta & Yukon at Frontier College, Dr. Bernie Pauly, associate professor of the School of Nursing at the University of Victoria, Indiana Best, board member of Student Wellness Initiative Towards Community Health (SWITCH), Dr. Ian Pike, director at BC Children’s Hospital’s Injury Research and Prevention Unit, Steve Woolrich, principal of Rethink Urban, Dr. Gord Miller, President of the Public Health Association of BC, Judi Fairholm, director of Respect-Education program at Red Cross Canada, Sarah Burke, Senior Manager of Community Integrated Development & Emergency Management at Red Cross Canada, Jade Yedia, Island Health’s Regional Built Environment Consultant, and Dr. Steven Jones, president of the Saskatchewan Public Health Association.


Following the format of last year’s summer school and fall conference; our chosen theme, integrated with the discussions held by participants at the summer school, will be used to help guide and inform the curriculum of our annual conference. Participants who attend the summer school are encouraged use what they learn to develop an abstract for consideration at the conference, happening from November 15th to 16th, 2018 at the Sutton Place Hotel in Downtown Vancouver.


Don’t forget to check our events page for the most up to date information, along with links to the agenda, thinkpiece and registration page. We hope to see many of you next week; together we can create fair and healthy British Columbia for all.