School District No. 43 (Coquitlam School District ) – Job Posting

Educational Psychologist

Continuing 0.8 FTE Posting


At this time Coquitlam School District invites applications for the position of a 0.8 continuing Educational Psychologist.

We are the third largest school district in B.C. and are located in the Tri-Cities of Metro Vancouver.

The school district has a population of 33,000 students with approximately 3,900 teaching, administrative, managerial and support staff linking the five communities of the Tri-Cities area with a total combined population of approximately 225,000.

Our district offers K-12, online, international, adult and continuing education as well as a wide range of specialized educational programs and services.

Psychologists are responsible for providing in-depth education assessments of students in the district.  You will communicate and work collaboratively with other professionals including school-based teams and Learning Services staff.  Other responsibilities include providing support to students with both high and low incidence exceptionalities, ESL and Aboriginal learners and students with behavior disorders; assisting in designing and evaluating individual education plans; and providing information and consultation to school personnel regarding educational placement and programnning.


Requirements and Qualifications

  • A master’s degree in school or education psychology (or equivalent)
  • BCASP certified or eligible for certification
  • Member of the College of Psychologists preferred
  • Teacher certification with B.C. Teacher Regulation Branch is (optional)
  • Training and supervision in assessment and diagnosis of education problems including administration and interpretation of individual psycho educational tests


A competitive salary is offered along with a generous benefits package. The successful applicant will be required to successfully complete two criminal record checks.


To apply, please email your resume to by 4:00 pm on Tuesday, June 21, 2016


For more information about careers in SD43, please visit


“The deliberations of employees, and Committees used to screen and consider job applications, shall be kept in strict confidence, and shall not be disclosed to any person except as required by law. Personal references, recommendations and evaluations collected or generated by Board employees and Committee members as part of the Board’s hiring processes (other than references whose authorship and content is already known to the job applicant) shall be treated as having been supplied in confidence to the Board for the purposes of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.”