School District 5-Southeast Kootenay-Secretary-Treasurer

School District 5


Southeast Kootenay

Due to retirement, applications are invited for the position of Secretary-Treasurer for School District 5, Southeast Kootenay.  Duties to commence April 1, 2019 or as mutually agreed.

The Position

The Secretary-Treasurer is the chief financial officer for the District and reports directly to the Board of Education.  The selected candidate will have a professional accounting designation and an exemplary employment record that ideally includes a senior management or strategic leadership role in finance and human resources. The Secretary-Treasurer serves as the corporate financial officer for the District performing the duties set out in the regulations and has supervisory oversight for all business functions including the areas of finance, negotiations, CUPE grievances, transportation, technology, and facilities including custodial, grounds and maintenance.  In addition, the Secretary-Treasurer performs all duties set out in the School Act and such other duties as are assigned by the Board from time to time.


This competition will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.  However, applications received by January 18, 2019 will be assured of careful consideration.  Email applications, including a cover letter, resume, and a list of at least three professional references together with complete phone contact information (home, work and mobile phone numbers) in a single pdf file to:

Please click on this link for full posting and further information