the 10th annual public health summer school
Simplifying Complexity:
Public Health Approaches and Practice in Complex Systems
July 4th & 5th, 2019
Registration is open now! Click here to register
It’s that time of year again! The Public Health Association is BC is excited to announce the dates of our 10th annual summer school, happening on July 4th and 5th, 2019 at the University of Victoria, University of BC, University of Northern BC and University of BC: Okanagan campus. Drawing practitioners of public health from around the province, PHABC’s annual public health summer school is a leading forum for inspiration, sharing, and learning on public health and health equity at the individual, health care system, and community levels.
The theme for the 2019 school is “Simplifying Complexity: Public Health Approaches and Practice in Complex Systems”. The goal of this event is to bring together individuals involved directly or indirectly in the delivery of public health activities and introduce the topic of complex adaptive systems, what it is, and how it can be used to create innovative solutions to population level interventions in public health. Some sub-topics to be discussed include: Immunization & Infectious Disease Response, Food Systems & Security, Overdose Response/Safe Supplies and Health Equity in Practice.
We are excited to announce that this year we have partnered with the Saskatchewan Public Health Association, Manitoba Public Health Association, Yukon Public Health Community of Practice and the Public Health Agency of Canada to bring our summer school across most of western Canada via UBC’s WebEx videoconferencing technology. Our summer school is one of the only continuing education courses for public health. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the latest issues in public health, build your professional skill-set, network with likeminded individuals and find out how you can use complex adaptive systems thinking in your position to affect positive change!
Registration is on now, click here to register or copy the link below and paste it in your preferred browser. Save on registration as a member of PHABC and don’t forget to share the event with others who may be interested in attending. We are also offering a complimentary 1 year PHABC membership to all non-members who register for the event.
Following the format of last year’s summer school and fall conference; our chosen theme, integrated with the discussions held by participants at the summer school, will be used to help guide and inform the curriculum of our annual conference. Participants who attend the summer school are encouraged use what they learn to develop an abstract for consideration at the conference, happening from November 14th to 15th, 2019 at the Sutton Place Hotel in Downtown Vancouver.
If you are interested in attending the summer school but cannot attend at one of the four main BC sites, please contact Christina Harding, summer school & project coordinator, at to see about setting up a remote site.
We are also looking for volunteers at each of our main sites, if you are interested in attending the summer school but the price of registration is not feasible please contact Christina to learn about volunteering opportunities.
We look forward to seeing all of you this summer!