Posted on June 10, 2006
Canadian Community Health Survey – 2000/01
Food security is emerging as an area of concern within the health sector – seen as critical to a healthy population and has been identified as a core program for public health by the Ministry of Health.
Rising trends in obesity and chronic disease, the correlation between diet and health, and the further connection with socio-economic status has led to a growing interest in the potential for community based food security projects to serve as interventions to address these issues.
Promotion of healthy eating and ensuring access to nutritious foods is seen to have important implications for improving the health of populations
Alliance of four health professional councils recently formed to provide leadership on food security in the province of BC (PHN, MHO, CN and Environmental Health and Protection)
• Were 34 key informant interviews – represented a variety of health professionals, agencies, community groups, networks and coalitions ( BC Food Systems Network), different ministries, Aboriginal voice, PHAC – comprehensive
• Collective efforts within the context of both ActNow BC and the core functions in public health
To make British Columbia the healthiest jurisdictions to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
To build community capacity to create healthier, more sustainable and economically viable communities.
To improve the health of British Columbians by reducing tobacco use, eating healthy foods, being more active, and making healthy choices during pregnancy.
To reduce demand on the health care system.
Food security is emerging as an area of concern within the health sector – seen as critical to a healthy population and has been identified as a core program for public health by the Ministry of Health.
Rising trends in obesity and chronic disease, the correlation between diet and health, and the further connection with socio-economic status has led to a growing interest in the potential for community based food security projects to serve as interventions to address these issues.
Promotion of healthy eating and ensuring access to nutritious foods is seen to have important implications for improving the health of populations
The orientation towards community capacity building and social capital development are important population health aspects of CFS activities.
Community Food Security refers to the capacity of a community to provide for the food security of its members.
Unit of analysis is the community
Health is conceptualized as a capacity within a population health framework, similarly community food security is conceptualized as a capacity within a community food security framework
Capacity within a health framework can be understood as “a general increase in community groups’ abilities to define, assess, analyze and act on health concerns of importance to their members”
Labonte, 2001
“a situation in which all community residents obtain a safe, culturally acceptable, nutritionally adequate diet through a sustainable food system that maximizes self-reliance and social justice”.
Hamm and Bellows, 2003
Community food security, like population health, is a conceptual model for thinking about the health of a community.
It uses a systems approach for analysis and action on a range of determinants impacting on food and nutrition, and supports collaboration across a range of sectors.
In BC defined three stages of community food security
• Community Nutritionist Council Discussion paper that was integral to identifying food security as a core public health program
The orientation towards community capacity building and social capital development are important population health aspects of CFS activities.
In BC defined three stages of community food security
• Community Nutritionist Council Discussion paper that was integral to identifying food security as a core public health program
The orientation towards community capacity building and social capital development are important population health aspects of CFS activities.
Province-wide coordination, support and evaluation
Regional coordination and management
Community coordination and implementation
Intent is to create an infrastructure and a system to support communities to achieve food security benefits for the long term.
Manage the initiative at the regional level
Provide funding to promote integrated solutions to community needs
Establish an inter-sectoral Regional Food Security Committee
Undertake assessment of needs
Monitor and be involved in evaluation
Provide representation to the Provincial CFAI Advisory Committee
Role and Mandate
1. Corporate Governance and Management – governing, managing and funding agencies/programs that provide province-wide services such as BC Cancer Agency, Children’s and Women’s Hospitals, Riverview and Forensics, Renal, BCCDC and Transplant Services.
2. Planning and Coordinating specified programs and services such as Cardiac, Emergency, Trauma, Surgical, Telehealth, Thoracic Surgery and Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS.
Supporting the work of the Ministry of Health and the Regional Health Authorities through knowledge brokering and facilitating province wide dialogue.
Prevention, Promotion, Protection Strategic Direction
Expand PHSA’s role as “knowledge resource” for the province by creating capacity to link and use evidence and health information to decrease the burden of chronic disease and to support policy development
Collaborate with other Ministries, municipalities, voluntary and private sectors and the regional Health Authorities to promote active healthy living and healthy public policy
Continue to increase the emphasis on prevention, promotion and protection to reduce the burden of disease
This publication comes from the Public Health Association of BC web site.
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