ActNow BC

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BC Place – Session 1, Monday, May 29, 2006 from 10:30 – 12:00

Abstract Title: ActNow BC – a platform for a cross-sectoral approach to  promoting a healthy and active lifestyle – for chronic disease prevention

Presenting Author:
Andrew Hazlewood
Assistant Deputy Minister
Population, Health and Wellness
BC Ministry of Health
4th Floor, 1515 Blanshard Street
Victoria, BC V8W 3C8

Additional Authors:
Wayne Mitic
A/Manager, Chronic Disease Prevention
Healthy Living/Chronic Disease Prevention
BC Ministry of Health

To provide an overview of the approach for the design, development, implementation and evaluation of ActNowBC, as a part of the foundation for the BC Government’s prevention (of chronic disease) and wellness platform.

2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games provides an opportunity to take advantage of the enthusiasm associated with the hosting of the Games in BC through an initiative designed to optimize the health of the people of BC. ActNowBC, as a prevention strategy, takes a unique approach to health and wellness – as it targets common risk factors for chronic disease through an integrated approach to reduce the common risk factors of physical inactivity, unhealthy eating, overweight and obesity, tobacco-use and alcohol use during pregnancy. ActNowBC is designed to foster partnerships among several ministries, private industry and NGOs to develop a cross-sectoral collaborative approach to improving health.

Anticipated Results
ActNowBC initiative will motivate and support people to improve their health through initiatives developed and delivered by the provincial and municipal governments, non-government organizations, communities and the private sector, resulting in BC being one of the healthiest jurisdictions to host an Olympic Games.
