Go back to school in September!
Register now for our online applied courses in Population Health Data Analysis
Designed for those who work in health or social sciences fields, the Population Health Data Analysis Certificate (PHDA) program provides an excellent opportunity to revitalize your current career, earn professional development credits* or get started in a rapidly diversifying field. This unique program offers:
* A flexible, fully online format
* A diverse set of analytic courses
* *Applied Pro D training
Apply now for the Professional Specialization Certificate in Population Health Data Analysis or take up to two stand-alone courses listed below for professional development starting September 2016.
Do you want to develop skills in the use of administrative data?
PHDA01: Working with Administrative Data provides an excellent orientation to get you on the right track.
* Learn how admin data is used for research
* Develop a data dictionary for your analytic data set
* Gain basic statistical analysis skills to work with admin data
* Use ‘real-world’ admin health data and practice SAS skills via our remotely-accessed Secure Research Training Lab
Looking to understand the intricacies of spatial health data, exposure assessment methods and related analytic approaches in health research? PHDA04: Spatial Epidemiology and Outbreak Detection is a great place to start.
* Explore the particularities of working with geographic data
* Gain valuable skills in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for population health research
* Learn analytic techniques for disease mapping, assessing population exposure to environmental pollutants, and measuring population access to health care services
* Practice hands-on skills using ‘real-world’ data via our remotely- accessed Secure Research Training Lab
*The skills acquired in PHDA 01 and 04 align with the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals and are eligible for 10 Professional Development (CPE) credits with CHIMA and CIPHI.
These fully online, non-credit courses are offered as a partnership between Population Data BC, the University of Victoria, Division of Continuing Studies and the Department of Geography.
Apply Today!
Note: Registration is open until August 19, subject to availability. Please review program eligibility requirements prior to registering.
For more information and to apply contact:
Maxine Reitsma, Program Coordinator, UVic Continuing Studies
Phone: 250-721-8481 | phda@uvic.ca