Evaluation Survey

11th Annual Public Health Summer Institute 2020

Think Globally, Act Locally

Public Health and the Anthropocene

Thursday July 9th & Friday July 10th, 2020

Evaluation Survey
Please correct any required fields and submit again.

Help us improve the Public Health Summer Institute! Please take a moment to fill out this evaluation survey; including what aspects you enjoyed and what aspects could be improved upon for future years. We are especially interested in your feedback regarding the transition to an entirely online institute so we may improve our model for future events. All responses are anonymous and when you finish, you will be directed to a separate page where you can enter to win a pass to next year's summer institute!

Participant Information

1. Which province/territory are you located in?
Please select an option
2. Are you a member of your province/territory's public health association?
Please select an option
3. Have you attended a PHABC event before?
Please select an option
4. What is your field of work?
This question is required
5. What is your professional designation?
This question is required
6. What was your reason for attending the summer institute? (Select all that apply.)
This question is required
7. In what capacity were you registered for the summer institute?
This question is required
8. How did you hear about the summer institute?
This question is required