My Health My Community Survey

Complete the My Health My Community Survey, to help design healthier communities.

You could win prizes like an iPad!

My Health My Community Survey

We already know we are what we eat, but there is still much to learn about the impacts of where we live and what we do on health and well-being.  Understanding how these factors relate is at the heart of the My Health My Community survey.

Why does the survey matter to me?

* You will learn how your lifestyle, community and physical environment are affecting your health and well-being.

* The results of the survey will help health care and community planners develop strategies and programs to promote health and well-being.

* There has never been an easier way to make a difference in the health of your family, friends and future generations.

Survey Questions

You’ll be asked questions about your health status, neighbourhood characteristics, community belonging and lifestyle choices, like whether you smoke, how many fruit and vegetables you eat and how much you exercise.

Participate and win prizes!  1 in 500 participants will win prizes like an iPad.

You can take the survey if:

* You are 18 years or older

* You live in the Vancouver Coastal Health or Fraser Health (Metro Vancouver, along the Coast and the Fraser Valley) regions.

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