May 24 2014 | New PHABC Statement on Poverty and Inequity

Dr. John Millar has been instrumental in developing PHABC’s new position on Poverty and Inequity.
PHABC’s Board of Directors has approved a new position on Poverty and Inequity. PHABC’s Vice President Dr. John Millar who was instrumental in conducting the research and writing the position statement in conjunction with the PHABC Policy Advocacy and Research Committee said “this statement expands on the previous work of PHABC in advocating policies to reduce health inequities.” PHABC will be using this position to encourage policies that support health equity and build healthy sustainable communities throughout BC. A meeting with the BC Minister of Health will be scheduled in the near future to discuss this new position and other PHABC initiatives.
“…[Action] by governments and businesses is needed now to reduce poverty and inequities. We are paying dearly for inaction. The costs to taxpayers for poverty-related policing, corrections, housing and healthcare far exceed what it would cost to eradicate poverty17. And the costs of declining democracy and social and political instability will be borne by subsequent generations. It is time for concerned citizens to push for action by governments and the business community” – PHABC Statement on Poverty and Inequity