BSPE (University of Saskatchewan)
MA, and PhD (UVic)
Gord is an Adjunct Professor within School of Child and Youth Care, University of Victoria. He was a former Research Officer and Senior Policy Analyst with the Ministry of Health, and Ministry for Children and Family Development. He has been involved in the provincial development and implementation of: Healthy Workplaces; Healthy Schools; Healthy Communities; Health Impact Assessment (HIA); Provincial Health Goals; Youth Agreements; Agreements with Youth Adults; Youth Safe House Standards; Child, Family and Community Services Act; and, Youth Policy Framework. As an international consultant, he has been involved in the country-wide development and evaluation of “Healthy Schools Initiatives” and “Health Impact Assessment” within Sweden, Australia, and the Bahamas. Gord is founding chair of the “Community Youth Development Coalition of British Columbia”. He received an Interdisciplinary Ph.D. from the University of Victoria, and is a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Research Fellow. His research centers on understanding how programs, institutions, and communities affect children and youth health, well-being and development. Gord is the principal investigator and co-researcher for Surrey’s Community Youth Mapping Research Project; SD 62’s Staying in School Research Project; and, the Ministry of Children and Family Development’s Youth Engagement Project. He is actively involved in teaching both undergraduate and graduate level courses and is the recipient of the 2013 Faculty of Human and Social Development Teaching Excellence Award, UVic. Gord is also a recipient of the 2014 ‘Premier’s Award for Innovation’ for his work in the area of Youth Engagement and Collaborative Action Research within the Ministry of Children and Family Development. Gord works as a private consultant (Miller and Mitic Research and Evaluation Consulting) and is currently involved with the BC Observatory for Population and Public Health (BCOPPH) supporting the development of provincial and regional surveillance capacity, as well as being involved with the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development in a provincial evaluation of their long-standing Afterschool Sport/Physical Activity and Arts Initiative (ASSAI).
Scholarly & Professional Interests:
- Community Youth Development
- Youth Engagement
- School as a Setting for Health Promotion
- Intersectoral Action for Health
- Health Impact Assessment
- Policy Development
- Adolescent Health and Development
- Youth Services
- Collaborative Action Research
- Research Methodology