Call for Submissions – Knowledge Exchange in Essential Practices

OD-PREP: OverDose Prevention and Response

Essential Practices Knowledge Exchange Series


Submission Form


OD-PREP: OverDose Prevention and Response – Essential Practices Knowledge Exchange Series aims to strengthen network connections by providing an opportunity for peer-led groups and community-based organizations to share their work while learning about other local responses happening across the province to combat the ongoing overdose and drug poisoning epidemic.

We are looking for peer-led groups and community-based organizations from across the province to self-identify or nominate others whose approaches to overdose prevention and response are positively impacting the communities the work in to participate in a webinar series highlighting their work. We welcome any essential practice submission, regardless of funding source, and will provide honoraria for participation.

This application is not for funding, but an opportunity to share knowledge and essential practices for the overdose prevention and response.


Submissions can be completed online, by telephone, or a video submission.  Please submit your application by the deadline of November 20, 2020


For more information about the project, click here.


Please ensure you have included all relevant details on why your group/organization (or the group you are nominating) feels their work would be considered an essential practice related to overdose prevention and response.


If you have any questions about the submission form please contact us at



Thank you to everyone who submitted their work for consideration, the call is now closed! We will follow up in January about the status of your submission.