PHABC Conference 2022 – Our Planet, Our Health

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Thank you all who attended the 2022 PHABC Conference!

We look forward to welcoming you all to the 2023 PHABC Conference next November!


About the Conference

PHABC is pleased to share this year’s conference topic: “Our Planet, Our Health: Creating Well-Being Societies and Making Peace with Nature.” The conference topic was inspired by recent WHO and UN initiatives, as well as the importance of recognizing the role Indigenous knowledge has in creating a healthy relationship between humans and the Earth.

There is local and global urgency to focus on making peace with nature. According to the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, “Humanity is waging war on nature. This is suicidal.” (December 2020). The UN 2021 report Making Peace with Nature further identified climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution as a “triple crisis” that threatens our well-being.

Creating well-being societies is dependent on making peace with nature and focusing on ecojustice and applying an eco-social approach to everything we do. The public health community has an opportunity here to weave eco-social approaches into their work to address both ecological and social injustices. Creating a truly healthy public will only be possible if we work together to create healthy, sustainable and equitable communities.

Conference Themes and Structure

To invigorate public health practice, education and research towards a healthy, just and sustainable future. The conference plenary sessions will focus on four inter-related themes:

  1. Making Peace with Nature for Public Health
  2. Ecojustice/Eco-social Equity and Public Heath
  3. Well-being Societies
  4. Local (Practice) and Action

Click here to read more about our Conference Goals & Objectives!



Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

For information on how this activity fits in the Royal College Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Program, please visit the Royal College’s website ( For more personalized support, please contact the Royal College Services Centre (1-800-461-9598) or your local CPD Educator.

College of Family Physicians of Canada

Family physicians attending the conference can get up to 5 Mainpro+® certified credits through the College of Family Physicians of Canada (for attending a non-certified conference to stimulate reflection) by completing the Linking Learning to Practice form –




This year’s plenary sessions will feature a number of experts in their respective fields. Our first wave of speakers announced are listed below.

  • Dr. Danièle Behn Smith, Aboriginal Health Physician Advisor, Office of the Provincial Health Officer, BC Ministry of Health
  • Dr. Trevor Hancock, Professor & Senior Scholar (retired), University of Victoria & Conference SPC Co-chair
  • Jessica (Jessiquita) Madrid, Team Lead, Xaaynanga Naay (Skidegate Health Centre), First Nations Health Authority
  • Dr. Tim Takaro, Professor Emeritus & Physician-Scientist, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University
  • Dr. Lindsay McLaren, Professor of Population and Public Health, University of Calgary
  • Dr. Margot W. Parkes, Professor & Research Co-lead, University of Northern BC
  • Sione Tu’itahi, Executive Director, Health Promotion Forum of New Zealand, Runanga Whakapiki Ake I Te Hauora o Aotearoa (HPF)
  • Dr. Shannon Waters, Medical Health Officer, Island Health
  • Jade Yehia, Human Geography and Environmental Health specialist, EJY Environmental Consulting
  • Dr. Chris Buse, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University
  • Dr. Courtney Howard, Emergency Physician, Chief Drygeese Territory & Clinical Associate Professor, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
  • Dr. Jeff Masuda, Professor, School of Public Health and Social Policy, University of Victoria

Follow the link below to read more about our Featured Speakers and be sure to keep checking back, we’re adding more speakers every week!

Featured Speakers Biographies


Final Program Agenda

We’re excited to launch the final program agenda for our upcoming conference!

We have been working diligently at designing an interactive and enlightening two-day conference.

The final program agenda will highlight featured speakers, workshops, oral presentations and posters.


Draft Program at a Glance



Our conference is only possible thanks to the continued efforts of numerous volunteers and the support of various partners and sponsors.

Our conference sponsors recognize and support the significance of professional and academic development within the public health sector.

The Public Health Association of BC wants to acknowledge the BC Ministry of Health as a platinum sponsor for this important event.

Our other notable sponsors include the Public Health Agency of Canada, Vancouver Coastal Health, Island Health, Fraser Health, Doctors of BC, Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, and Northern Health.



Call for Abstracts

If you are part of a promising practice or have research related to any of our conference themes or public and population health in general please consider submitting your work for inclusion in our 2022 Conference. As one of the major public health conference’s in BC, this is the ideal event to showcase your work to and network with likeminded public, population, environmental health, and other allied professionals.


As an added bonus, individuals whose abstracts are accepted for inclusion in the conference will be able to access the exclusive abstract presenter’s discounted conference rate! To read more about the call for abstracts, submission guidelines and evaluation criteria follow the link below. If you have any questions about the process please feel free to reach out to us at


Our Call for Abstracts is now closed.  Thank you for your submissions!


PHABC Awards

Do you know someone or an organization in the public health community whose hard work and dedication deserves recognition? Nominate them for a PHABC award! We accept nominations year-round for outstanding individuals and organizations. This year’s deadline for the 2022 awards is October 15th, 2022. Any nominations submitted after the deadline will be considered for the 2023 PHABC Awards. Read about all our awards and submit your nomination today!

PHABC Awards

Award Nomination Form


Conference Promotions

Help us spread the word! We’re so excited to welcome everyone to our first in-person conference since 2019 and we want YOU to help us spread the word! We have created a number of promotional materials and toolkits that we’re hoping our partners can use to extend our reach across BC.

Check out our Promotional Toolkits and help us make the 2022 conference a rousing success!

Promotional Toolkits


Contact & Follow Us!

To learn more about the conference and how you can get involved, email

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