Interprofessional Continuing Education – UBC
- Conferences, workshops, courses.
- Large focus on wellness / health related issues.
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Graduate programs in public health in BC can be found in the following online listing:
A Partnership Between The Interior Health Authority and City of Kelowna – Innovations and actions – Louise Robert-Taylor and Pam Moore
Blow It Up and Start Again! A radical approach to re-orienting health services – Trevor Hancock
Patient Engagement: Transforming the way we do business – Peter Toppings, Impact BC, health care provider and patient partner
“For My Health” – KatherineWarrendorf
Getting Your Group On: Developing group approaches to health education and practice – Andrew Burton and Nancy Viney
Envisioning Change: women’s lived experiences of substance use and mental health in northern BC through photography – Hilary McGregor and Sarah de Leeuw NOTES
Social Primary Health Care- A model for reaching the “Hard to Reach” & improving the health of disadvantaged communities- Rita Koutsodimos and Kate Hodgson NOTES
Community Belonging and Health – A shared responsibility-Emily Laflamme, James Lu and Jat Sandhu NOTES
Reducing Health Inequities: Innovative Public Health approaches to promote health equity –Bernie Pauly and Kathleen Perkin NOTES
BC Child Health and Well-Being Indicators Project- Bernie Paillé, Eric Young and Michael Egilson NOTES
Models of Maternity Care in Rural Environments: Barriers and attributes of interprofessional collaboration with midwives- Sarah Munro, Jude Kornelsen, Stefan Grzybowski NOTES
Intersectoral Action – What does the evidence say about the effectiveness of intersectoral action to advance health equity and what are some examples we can learn from? – Lesley Dyck NOTES
Toward a Healthy Campus: Employing a population health approach in primary health care – Judy Burgess NOTES
Transforming Perinatal Care in Fraser Health: The three Cs of a new seamless transition care model – Dr. M. Elizabeth Snow, Linda Bachmann, Karen Dickenson Smith, Dr. Kim Shaw and Tamara Van Tent NOTES
Social Primary Health Care- A model for reaching the “Hard to Reach” & improving the health of disadvantaged communities- Rita Koutsodimos and Kate Hodgson
Community Belonging and Health – A shared responsibility-Emily Laflamme, James Lu and Jat Sandhu
Reducing Health Inequities: Innovative Public Health approaches to promote health equity –Bernie Pauly and Kathleen Perkin
Models of Maternity Care in Rural Environments: Barriers and attributes of interprofessional collaboration with midwives- Sarah Munro, Jude Kornelsen, Stefan Grzybowski
BC Child Health and Well-Being Indicators Project- Bernie Paillé, Eric Young and Michael Egilson
Intersectoral Action – What does the evidence say about the effectiveness of intersectoral action to advance health equity and what are some examples we can learn from? – Lesley Dyck
Patient Voices Network – Building a community of engaged patient partners – Catherine North and PVN patient volunteer
Toward a Healthy Campus: Employing a population health approach in primary health care – Judy Burgess
Transforming Perinatal Care in Fraser Health: The three Cs of a new seamless transition care model – Dr. M. Elizabeth Snow, Linda Bachmann, Karen Dickenson Smith, Dr. Kim Shaw and Tamara Van Tent