Guidelines on preparing resolutions

For Information Only


All resolutions contain a title. The tile reflects the action for which the resolution calls. As well, the resolution contains a “preamble” and “operative clause”. The “preamble” describes the issue and the “operative clause” outlines the action being requested.


The preamble commences with a “WHEREAS” clause. Each clause is a separate and concise paragraph providing information as to the nature of the problem or the reason for the request.

The “WHEREAS” clauses are not voted on and should be limited to three or four (maximum) statements to assure the focus remains on the resolution portion of the resolution.

The preliminary clauses should clearly and briefly set out the reasons for the resolution. If the sponsor believes that the rationale cannot be explained in a few preliminary clauses, the problem should be more fully stated in supporting documentation.

Operative Clause

The “Operative clause” of the resolution must clearly set out its intent, stating a specific proposal for action. The wording should leave no doubt as to the action being requested and be appropriate to the problem outlined in the preamble.

The “operative clause(s)” begins with the words “THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED”. A resolution should ideally contain not more than two of these clauses and should be as short as possible and clearly describe the action being requested.


  1. The language of a resolution should be simple, action oriented and free of ambiguous terms. A resolution that contains well-chosen words will receive the greatest understanding.

     2Each resolution should embody only one single specific subject.

Since the sponsor(s) seeks to influence attitudes and actions, the resolution should directly state the desired                 action.

  1. Resolutions should be properly titled, dated and signed by the sponsor(s).

    4Resolutions should deal with health issues that are province-wide, and/or influence the health         of Canadians in general.