BC Population Health Network
Who we are?
The BCPHN is a network of population health stakeholders from the health, research and allied sectors with a common interest of advancing the application of the population health approach to improve the health of the population in BC.
What are our goals?
To improve the health of the population and reduce inequities in health status between populations by identifying and supporting the use of the population health approach in policies, strategies and interventions within and beyond the health care system.
How do we do it?
- Learning together – Build capacity for the application and implementation of the population health approach by facilitating the exchange of population health knowledge between “health sector” managers, policy makers, policy analysts, decision makers, database and IT; managers, data analysts and researchers.
- Partnering in Research – Assisting population health researchers to devise and implement research projects and programs that are of optimal relevance to cross-sectoral policy and program decision-makers; Facilitating the timely use of relevant data and information through the coordination of access to appropriate databases, development of linkages between databases, and the development of databases to fill information gaps;
- Advancing Healthy Public Policy – Promote and support the implementation and practice of population health by proposing and promote evidence-based interventions to improve the health of the population and reduce inequities between populations;