Posted on January 30, 2018
…Institute and Special Advisor to the Ontario Basic Income Pilot Dr. John Millar, Member of the Minister’s Advisory Forum on Poverty Reduction Jenna van Draanen, Board Member, Basic Income Canada…
Posted on March 22, 2022
Basic Income and Decent Work can improve population health through economic security. This webinar will reflect on lessons public health can apply when advocating to decrease income inequity as a…
Posted on May 27, 2016
Guaranteed annual income (also called basic income guarantee) is experiencing a resurgence as a public policy approach to improving economic and social wellbeing. Analysis of data from the MINCOME…
Posted on May 29, 2020
…Income advocates, researchers and observers together to discuss Basic Income as a potential national social policy for Canada; including the unique challenges of the gig economy and recommendations for how…
Posted on May 4, 2017
Increasing Income Inequality, a Major Public Health and Societal Problem: What are the trends, why is this happening and what can be done? By: John Miller Income inequality is…
Posted on April 6, 2017
…food insecurity can look like. We will learn about the role public health can play in calculating a basic income rate and advocating for income-based policy change. We will also…